cepillo aro

Clean streets with our street cleaning brushes.

With the arrival of the summer season and the boom in tourism, people travel more: there are more events, crowds, family gatherings, and parties, in addition to vacations.

Therefore, it is very important for municipalities to keep their streets, squares, and avenues clean and with as little waste as possible, which is why summer campaigns start with reinforced street cleaning services.

It is the busiest season of the year for the manufacture of street cleaning brushes, both side and central, as the services make their demand forecasts to always have the brushes available and the machine ready for use, in addition to increasing the street cleaning service.

According to the specific needs of each municipality based on the climate, street types, the machine, the importance they place on the noise emitted by the cleaning machines, and the preferences of both the municipal operators and the street cleaning service managers, urban sweepers are equipped with different types of brushes:

  • Mixed brushes: These are brushes with mixed polypropylene and steel rod filaments. They are the most common and balanced in terms of cost/duration and hardness.
  • Plastic-only brushes: They are the softest, most economical, and have the least impact on the pavement. They have good sweeping capacity by equipping hundreds of polypropylene hairs in each brush, but they lack some material removal capacity due to the absence of steel rods.
  • Steel-only brushes: They are the hardest and strongest, and therefore the most expensive. They have the greatest abrasion capacity with the pavement and the capacity to remove/sweep urban waste.
  • Silent brushes: These are brushes whose sweeping material are cables coated with rubber or polyamide. They are very soft brushes, with only 4 visible cables in each tuft, but they last the longest. Their main advantage and benefit is that they are quieter than traditional ones, although they do not have the sweeping capacity of the others.
  • Brush cutters: They are a variant of steel brushes in which strong steel cables are added to the metal brush for cutting capacity. They are hardly used in cities and are more relegated to villages and rural areas around cities.

For municipalities, keeping the streets clean for the satisfaction of residents and visitors is a priority, and most allocate significant budget items to urban cleaning and subsequent waste management.

A city with dirty and neglected streets gives a bad image and reputation to the town hall, so they try, each according to their economic capacity, to keep the streets as clean as possible to improve their image and the safety and health of people.

If you need any clarification about street cleaning brushes, do not hesitate to contact us.

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