cepillo aro

Clean streets with our street cleaning brushes.

With the arrival of the heat it is crucial to keep our streets clean and free of debris with our street
cleaning brushes
, to ensure a pleasant and healthy environment for everyone, so today we bring you
this blog!
Keeping the streets clean during the summer is of vital importance, therefore, Sacema has several
brushes and cleaning products of the highest quality that can help make a difference, such as side
brushes. There is a wide variety of dimensions of these brushes, depending on the machine that
equips it, and they can be made of different materials such as steel only, plastic only, mixed (mixing
polypropylene with steel rod) or polyamide coated cable.
In addition to showing you in this blog the importance of keeping the streets clean during these hot
days, we will also highlight later some municipalities recognized for their excellent management in
the cleanliness of their cities.

Clean streets make for a more pleasant summer.

With the summer heat, going out into the streets, parks and outdoor spaces becomes routine. Of
course, keeping these areas clean will help us improve the quality of life for citizens and visitors, in
addition to making a good impression!
On the other hand, the waste that accumulates in the streets during the summer can generate bad
odors, attract pests and contribute to environmental pollution. Fortunately, avoiding these problems
is within our reach, through constant cleaning.

Top quality side brushes: an effective solution.

Our top quality side brushes are specifically designed for efficient cleaning of streets and urban
areas. They are made of highly durable and resistant materials, which guarantees their effectiveness

even in the most demanding conditions. In addition to being customizable for both sweeping
machines and other industrial applications, there is a great variety!
These brushes are ideal for sweeping and picking up debris such as leaves, dust, sand and other
common debris that accumulates on the streets. And thanks to their design, cleaning in tight spaces
and hard-to-reach areas is no problem at all.

Exemplary municipalities in the cleanliness of their cities.

Some municipalities are recognized for their excellent management of urban cleanliness. Today we
bring you some of the best rated in this aspect:

Oviedo City Council: ranks number one among the various Spanish municipalities best rated for its
cleanliness, and no wonder! It has even received several awards over the years. One of the most
recent was in 2022, for the design and implementation of the first van with the technology to
capture and obtain in situ color for the removal of graffiti on painted facades.

Bilbao City Council: it is positioned as the second cleanest city in Spain, according to an OCU survey
on street cleaning. The survey was carried out among almost 7,000 residents, most of whom were
delighted with the cleanliness of several towns in the Basque Country, and no wonder!

Vigo City Council: thanks to its commitment to sustainability and the environment, as well as the
constant modernization of its cleaning services, Vigo is ranked number three in this ranking.
Specifically, one of its latest additions were its new 100% electric sweepers, sweepers and pressure

In short, there is no doubt that in summer it is essential to keep our streets clean and in optimal
conditions, and to make this task more bearable, our side brushes are an excellent choice!
Remember that you can always take as an example those municipalities that have excelled in the
cleanliness of their cities to inspire you and apply similar practices in your environment, it is never
too late to start!
Together we can create a cleaner and more pleasant environment to enjoy the summer.

Contact us for more information!

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