
Brushes for special cleaning purposes

We frequently receive inquiries about brushes for special cleaning purposes, where clients have specific cleaning or surface treatment requirements that are very personal and unique, and for which there is no standard brush or solution that meets their needs.

To address these special needs, SACEMA has years of experience with qualified personnel, and we propose concepts, whether loose brushes or brushing units, that aim to solve the special cleaning requests.

Depending on the case and the level of client involvement, we either develop just the brush, conducting a prior selection and study of the filament, or we develop the complete turnkey solution, including instrumentation and control.

It is also very common to produce test mini-brushes beforehand to validate the type of technical brush, its density, the section and length of the filament, which are tested either at the client’s facility with a portable drill or in our testing and trial bench.

This way, we develop and select the most suitable technical brush to ensure the cleaning is done correctly, in addition to defining the optimal working conditions to be effective (filament pressure, rotation speed, filament flexion degree, etc.).

At Sacema, we have extensive experience in these projects, so do not hesitate to contact us and we will study the most suitable solution.

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