cepillo aro

It’s not magic, it’s constancy

Continuing with the content of the previous post in which we lent you a hand to keep our beaches clean, at SACEMA we wanted to deepen a little more in the treatment and care of the beaches of our coast.

It is the hot season, the beaches of our coasts are filled with people, tourists, walkers, escape people or just disconnected a moment from work. 

The beach is a place of leisure, and although we are careful and follow the advice of SACEMA to keep the beach clean. It is inevitable that it suffers and needs extra cleaning maintenance.

That is why it is common for municipalities that manage coastal areas, beaches and tourist areas to invest more resources for road and beach cleaning at this time.

Summer cleaning

Among the most recurrent summer cleaning activities are sand cleaning, fungicide treatment and cleaning and maintenance of promenades or similar.

There is more investment in specific machinery because of the treatment of sand.

In addition to manual cleaning, mechanized systems are used in most sandy beaches of a certain size to achieve an excellent finish.

Cleaning machines

These beach cleaning machines vary depending on the manufacturer and on the models but they usually have a very similar system to each other. Whether they are larger or smaller, they have a dustpan that introduces the sand into the machine, where it will be screened to separate the fine sand from the garbage.

To clean the sand the machine pushes the sand inwards by means of a brush, a roller with a comb formed by metal wires.
Once the brush has performed its function and the sand is in the machine, it is shaken by a slightly inclined sieve, so that at the same time that the sand is cleaned and deposited by gravity on the beach, the garbage ascends and the machine picks it up into its container.

In the photo you can see the metal brush where the sand will be screened and the garbage will rise through the belt, stopping the dustpan that the machine itself has integrated.

To finish with the sand cleaning process, the machines are usually equipped with skirts at the back that level the sand and leave the beach as beautiful as possible. This gives a greater sense of cleanliness for the user and is more comfortable without holes that may cause an accident or discomfort.

This is one of the many activities carried out by the cleaning and maintenance teams of our towns, many times we do not see them but if they were not there doing their job we would suffer the drastic consequences. In the next post we will talk about the other cleaning measures on beaches such as the maintenance of the promenades.

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